Understanding the academic structure (formal programmes on ITS)


Understanding the Academic Structure (Formal programmes) on ITS

Understanding the Academic Structure (Formal programmes) on ITS

Department: Institutional Planning (HEMIS)

Course Title: Understanding the Academic Structure (formal programmes) on ITS

Course Presenter: HEMIS Team

Course Dates: 01 March 2024 or 30 August 2024

Start and finish times: 09:00-12:00

Course Duration: 3 hours

Course Description

The purpose of this information session is to provide a better understanding of the Academic Structure of formal programmes offered in relation to the ITS system functionality. This information session is specifically catered for Faculty Officers, Assistant Faculty Officers, Faculty Assistants, Faculty Admin Assistants, Departmental Secretaries, Postgraduate Administrators.

Topics that will be covered:

  • Academic Structure Entry Point (SACAD-1)
  • Approved Qualifications Information (SACADO-7)
  • Qualification Information (SACADO-1)
  • Qualification Offering Types (SACADO-2)
  • Qualification Major Areas (SACADO-3)
  • Qualification Blocks (SACADO-4)
  • Qualification Study Periods (SACADO-5)
  • Subject Information (SACADO-10)
  • Subject Offering Type (SACADO-11)
  • Subject Offering Types and Blocks (SACADO-12)
  • Subject Groups and Lecturers (SACADO-13) – Faculties use SSTUDF-1 & 2 to maintain this information.
  • Subject Requisite Types (SACADO-14)
  • Maintain Curriculum Structure (SACADO-16)
  • Valid Subject Group Combinations – Group rules (SACAD-11)
  • Subject Group Query (SACAD-15)

Topics excluded:

  • Non-formal programmes (short courses)

Attendees must have basic ITS knowledge as this information session will not cover any basic ITS “look and feel.”

Please ensure that you can log into the ITS Test environment (prior to the information session) and check that you have access to the relevant ITS menu options.  We will unfortunately not be able to provide any technical ITS login assistance during the information session.  For any login assistance and view access to ITS menus on ITS Test, please contact CTS BAS (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

In addition, a short introduction to the Academic Qualification related information will be covered – queries can be directed to Academic Planning.

Academic Qualification related information: (Academic Planning)

  • NQF bands
  • SAQA Website
  • PQM
  • Non-HEQSF Aligned Qualifications
  • HEQSF alignment of Qualifications
  • Internal approval processes

Contact Person: HEMIS Team - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Virtual or classroom: Virtual      

Maximum number of participants: 20

Approval required? Yes- by (email)Line Manager

Can be cancelled? Yes-Cancellation valid until 2 days prior to commencement.

LINK TO BOOK THE COURSE: (if applicable)  TBD

1 lesson 45 minutes Beginner