
Staff Formal Studies


Staff members intending to apply for the UWC study benefit (rebate) for 2024, must follow the following processes:

1. Consultation with the line manager regarding the application to study (Studies of staff member only):

• The application due date is advertised via Newsflash during the month of November of the previous year, communication is also send to the Staff Skills Development (SDC) Committee members to notify the relevant staff.

• The staff member must, in consultation with the line manager, complete the External Studies Application form as soon as possible or by the due date. (no late and incomplete applications will be considered)

• The line manager must assess the application form in line with the operational requirements of the relevant department/relevance of the study.

• The Dean/Director must approve the application on the recommendation of the HoD/Line Manager.

• Once the above processes are completed the staff member must submit the application together with the relevant supporting documents to the Human Capital: Learning and Development department. (all documents with fully completed form must be submitted)

 2. Application to study at UWC (if eligible, as per policy):

• For their own studies the staff member completes both the external studies application form and the rebate agreement form. (rebate form available in January 2024 only)

• For studies of dependent children or of the spouse/partner, the staff member completes only the rebate agreement form. (rebate form available in January 2024 only)

• The rebate for staff, dependent children or spouse/partner to study at UWC is 95%. No rebate is applicable for studies at other universities or educational institutions.

Staff member: the completed external studies application form and rebate agreement form must be emailed to Nadine Waterwitch at

Dependent children or spouse/partner: the staff member is responsible to ensure that the form is duly completed and signed by all relevant parties. This is an interactive form that will allow an automated signature. The completed rebate agreement form must be emailed to your HC: Administrator responsible for your faculty/department for verification of details:

 Ruwaida Jarley - Sciences; Fundani CHE; Institutional Planning; Marketing; Human Capital

Marina Louis - & The Built Environment; Quality Management

Lamees Jamal - & Management Sciences

Viwe Lalela - & Design; IDFM – Maintenance & Property Services

Nomaphelo Maki -; Finance

Manager: Shahieda Bebe Hendricks Cell: 082 759 2197 Fax: +27 (0)21 959 6065 Tel: +27 (0)21 959 6919 Email: Tel: +27 (0)21 959 6064 / 959 5847

Busisiwe Soldaat - & Wellness Sciences; CIET; Advancement; CPGS; Research Directorate; SIP Vacant - - CPUT Libraries; CTS; Governance & Central Admin; Deputy Registrar; Student Affairs; Transformation & Cohesion

Siyasanga Makaluza - – Protection Services; Community Engagement; Technology Transfer; CPPD

After approval the HC: Administrator will email the form to Ms Gail Williams at at UWC for further processing.

3. Please also note the following:

• Staff applying for studies at UWC must pay the registration fee of R1670.00 into the UWC bank Account:

 Bank: ABSA

Account number: 4050893930

Account Type: CHEQUE

Branch code: 632005

• All tuition fee rebate applications must be finalised in the year of study. The cut-off date for ALL applications will be 30 September 2024.

• Ensure that the course that you intend studying for qualifies for a fee rebate. Attached is an updated list of exclusions from UWC. These courses have limitations on the eligibility of a staff rebate and some are entirely for your own account.

 • No rebates will be processed for 2024 if the remaining 5% or above of the UWC tuition fees is still outstanding. Contact Vanessa Anthony at / Bevan Wabanie at at UWC to make the appropriate financial arrangements.

 • The UWC rebate on the tuition fees will be adjusted if the staff member resigns within the year of study. The benefits shall terminate with effect from the first day of the month following the date of termination of employment.


Staff Formal Studies PDF


Staff Formal Studies PDF
