
Compliance Management Function

The University's Compliance Management Function (CMF) operates throughout CPUT, offering comprehensive support, information, and advice to all staff regarding applying legislation and ethical considerations to their roles within the University.

The functions, roles or services that the department offers to staff

Compliance management

The vision and mission of your faculty or department

CPUT's Compliance Management Function is built on three pillars:

1.    Strengthening a culture of integrity and ethical behaviour.

2.    Mitigating compliance and ethics risks.

3.    Improving compliance and ethics issue response.

The strategic goals of your faculty or department:

1.    Prevention

2.    Detection

3.    Corrective Action

Course Information

For queries/booking of courses please contact Liyabona Ginya at

List of Courses


Training Provider Details

1. Ethics and Compliance Principles

2.    Ethics Framework:

-Conflict of Interest

- Gifts, Benefits, and Hospitality.

-Ant-Fraud and Corruption.


3.    Data Protection (POPIA).

4.    Policy Development Framework.