Report Writing

Report Writing

Report Writing

Report Writing

Department: Human Capital Learning and Development

Course Title: Report Writing

Course Presenter: Human Capital Learning and Development 

Course Date: 

April 2024

July 2024

August 2024

Start and finish times: 

Start: 09:00

Finish: 16:00

Course Duration: 2 days

Course Description: 

The purpose of this course is to assist delegates to grasp the essential components of various types of reports and their formats. Delegates will be guided on how to plan, write, and edit reports.


  1. Writing and improving the quality of professional reports.
  2. Initiate a project to address specific project objectives.
  3. Compiling reports to ensure that content and format are appropriate.
  4. Determining the focus of the report by deciding on the correct content.
  5. How to select, format and structure to meet the reader’s needs.
  6. Ensuring that the document sequence is logical and meaningful.
  7. Presenting information differently, e.g., tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.

Contact Person: 

Human Capital: Learning and Development

Shahieda Bebe Hendricks, cell 082 759 2197, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nadine Waterwitch email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Liyabona Ginya: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Virtual or classroom: Face-to-Face

Maximum number of participants: 20

Approval required? Yes or No: Yes – Line Manager approval to attend training

Confirmation of attendance by (email): Confirmation of acceptance of the application will be communicated to you via email by the L&D office

Can be canceled? Yes or No: 

Cancellation may be accepted 5 working days before the course in writing to HC: L&D

Should you not cancel on time, the cost of the training will be for you/your department


1 lesson Beginner