HERS SA Academy for Women Leaders

HERS SA Academy for Women Leaders

HERS SA Academy for Women Leaders

HERS SA Academy for Women Leaders

Department: Higher Education Resource Services South Africa (HERS-SA)


Course Presenter: Ms Brightness Mangolothi and various speakers

Course Date: 25 August 2024 – Thursday, 29 August 2024

Start and finish times: 

Start: Sunday, 25 August 2024

Finish: Thursday, 29 August 2024

Course Duration: 5 Days

Course Description: 

The Higher Education Resource Services - South Africa (HERS-SA) will once again host its annual ACADEMY for Women Leaders in Higher Education at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Upper East Side, Woodstock, Cape Town from Sunday, 25th August to Thursday, 29th August 2024. The ACADEMY will also be offered as a hybrid (in-person and virtual).

HERS-SA was founded in 2003 to address the critical shortage of women in senior positions in Higher Education, a major area of concern within the sector. The organisation has been providing professional and leadership development opportunities for women in Higher Education in South Africa at its ACADEMY for 20 years and has had over 1700 women to date attend this prestigious leadership development programme. There are limited spots available and institutions are encouraged to select candidates as soon as possible to attend the week-long residential ACADEMY. The HERS-SA ACADEMY offers a unique opportunity for women to shape their learning according to their development needs by selecting to participate in a range of plenary sessions, development workshops, breakaway activities and attending talks by well-known leaders in Higher Education and other sectors from our set programme. Our breakfast, lunch and evening dinners offer further networking opportunities.

You are hereby invited to nominate and sponsor women from your institution who are currently employed in or who possess the potential to be employed in leadership positions.

HERS-SA ACADEMY. This includes women who:

  • currently hold a leadership position in a HE institution;
  • aspire to be in a leadership position:
  • wish to prepare for a senior management position in a HE institution;
  • would value the opportunity to meet and network with other senior women employed in HE in Southern Africa and in other international institutions.

 Contact Person: 

Name: Nadine
Surname: Waterwitch

Email: waterwitchn@c>put.ac.za

Name: Brightness

Surname: Mangolothi

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Virtual or classroom: Face-to-face and online

Maximum number of participants: TBC


2 lessons 45 minutes Beginner