CEE 4 Leading people through effective communication

CEE 4 Leading people through effective communication

CEE 4 Leading people through effective communication

CEE 4 Leading people through effective communication

Department: Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC)

Course Title: CEE 4 Leading people through effective communication

Course Presenter: Dr Phumzile Mmope

Course Dates:16 September 2024

Start and finish time: 16:00-20:00

Course Duration: 4 hours

Course Description

In our increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) higher education environment, persistent changes become a point of much reflection and bring about key learnings and insights. For one, HE leaders are reminded that leading people through change begins with communicating effectively, authentically and with respect in a way that enables leaders to lead with influence, inspire change and take people along instead of forcing change. Leaders may have different styles. Whatever their style, communication remains central to their leadership role.

This course will focus on leadership communication for change. Effective leaders do not start to communicate when change is needed or happening, they already have the understanding that leading people through change hinges on connection built on. Leaders

should consistently and intentionally enhance their ability to be mindful, to connect with and inspire others towards a common purpose through shared values underpinned by empathy and inclusion.

Topics covered:

  • Why leadership communication is important
  • Leading others begins with self-leadership and accountability for an enabling environment for effective communication
  • Skills for building personal credibility and influencing others
  • Communicating for Change - a framework for effective and inclusive engagement
  • Telling and Retelling: consistency of an institutional narrative and common talking points.

Contact Person Name: Nadine

Surname: Waterwitch

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Name: Rene

Surname: Pellissier

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact no, Tel no. 021 035 1990

Name: Sisipho

Surname: Zweni

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Virtual or classroom: TBC

Maximum number of participants: TBC

Link to book the course: TBC

1 lesson Beginner