CEE 3 Leaders as change agents in the new HE context

CEE 3 Leaders as change agents in the new HE context

CEE 3 Leaders as change agents in the new HE context

CEE 3 Leaders as change agents in the new HE context

Department: Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC)

Course Title: CEE 3 Leaders as change agents in the new HE context

Course Presenter: Prof José Frantz

Course Dates: 02 September 2024

Start and finish times: 16:00- 20:00

Course Duration: 4 hours

Course Description        

Higher education is currently facing tremendous difficulties, which are fuelled by the internet's rapid expansion, higher education's rising globalisation, and the ever-present question of institutional quality. Leading change has become an ever-present reality for leaders in the higher education sector. The traditional pattern of instructional providing is being broken by new types of educational delivery via virtual networks. Higher education is being redefined by new players. The rules are changing, and higher education institutions are under more pressure to adapt.

As we embrace change as a constant it is important that we engage on how we can address this in our own context. The course offers an opportunity for engagement, influential conversations, and reflection as we seek to find tangible solutions for the challenges we face.

Specific content

  • Why higher education needs change agents.
  • Being a leader in a new higher education setting by being a change agent: Characteristics of leaders as change agents
  • Types of change management models
  • Equipping faculty to be part of the processes of change agency.
  • Masters of the change process
  • Immunity to change.
  • Challenges to change on HE
  • Contact Person Name: Nadine

Surname: Waterwitch

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Name: Rene

Surname: Pellissier

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact no, Tel no. 021 035 1990

Name: Sisipho

Surname: Zweni

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Virtual or classroom: TBC

Maximum number of participants: TBC

Link to book the course:TBC

1 lesson Beginner