Blackboard Ultra: Basic (Introduction to Blackboard)

Blackboard Ultra: Basic (Introduction to Blackboard)

Department: Centre for Innovative Educational Technology (CIET)

Course Title: Blackboard Ultra: Basic (Introduction to Blackboard)

Course Presenter: Mvuyisi Mavela

Course Dates:16 February 2024

Start and finish times:  10h00-12h00

Course Duration: 2 hours

Course Description

Using the Blackboard Ultra Experience (Basic), this webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Structure of Blackboard
  • Basic subject customisation
  • Creating of a calendar entry, posting of announcements, uploading of files and making the subject guide available online.

Contact Person Name: Bukeka

Surname: Time-Xakekile

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Virtual or classroom: Online     

Maximum number of participants: Unlimited

Link to book the course: TBC      

1 lesson Beginner