Basic helper and referral skills for lecturers and support staff to assist students who are in crisis or distress workshop

Basic helper and referral skills for lecturers and support staff

Basic helper and referral skills for lecturers and support staff to assist students who are in crisis or distress workshop

Basic helper and referral skills for lecturers and support staff to assist students who are in crisis or distress workshop

Department: Student Counselling

Course Title:  Basic helper and referral skills for lecturers and support staff to assist students who are in crisis or distress.

Course Presenter: Name: Prof Lalini

                               Surname: Reddy

                               Email: Reddyl@This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                               Contact no: 0833829455

Course Dates: TBC

Start and finish times: Start: TBC Finish: TBC

Course Duration: TBC

Course Description: TBC

Contact Person: 

Leanie Brits This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Contact no, cell no.: 021 460 3399

Virtual or classroom: TBC

Maximum number of participants: TBC

Link to book the course: TBC

1 lesson 1 hour Beginner