Supervisory and Team Leader

Supervisory and Team Leader

Supervisory and Team Leader

Supervisory and Team Leader

Department: Human Capital Learning and Development

Course Title: Supervisory and Team Leader

Course Presenter:  Human Capital Learning and Development

Course Date: 

May 2024

August 2024

Start and finish times: 

Start: 09:00

Finish: 16:00

Course Duration: 2 days

Course Description: 

The purpose of this course is to provide supervisors and team leaders with skills to strengthen their current supervisory skills, exploring the role of the team leader in ensuring that the team meets organizational standards.


  1. Increase awareness of the role of a supervisor.
  2. Understand organizational requirements to apply management objectives.
  3. Develop essential skills to influence and motivate your staff.
  4. Understand the power of a team and commitment.
  5. Monitor team objectives.
  6. Apply performance leadership and engagement and leadership tasks.

Contact Person: 

Human Capital: Learning and Development

Shahieda Bebe Hendricks, cell 082 759 2197, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nadine Waterwitch email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Liyabona Ginya: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Virtual or classroom: Face-to-Face

Maximum number of participants: 15

Approval required? Yes or No: 

Yes – Line Manager approval to attend training

Confirmation of attendance by (email): 

Confirmation of acceptance of the application will be communicated to you via email by the L&D office

Can be canceled? Yes or No: 

Cancellation may be accepted 5 working days prior to the course in writing to HC: L&D

Should you not cancel on time, the cost of the training will be for you/department


1 lesson Beginner